
The Direct Booking Success Summit is nearly here! I just wanted to say a few

‘thank-you’s’ to the people behind the scenes and to let you know what we have in store for you at the summit this week. Plus I’ll give you a look at awesome prizes and VIP content on offer, I can’t wait to see you there.

Topics discussed:


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Join me at the online Direct Booking Success Summit (27-29 September 2022) https://www.directbookingsuccesssummit.com


Ep#14 - Behind the scenes of the DBSS

[00:00:00] Jenn: Hello, and welcome to episode number 14 of the direct booking success podcast. It is so lovely to be back with you. Thank you for listening. The second direct booking success summit starts tomorrow. And if you're listening to this on replay, tomorrow is the 27th of September, 2022. I hope you haven't missed it, but don't worry if you have, because you might still have time to join us; head to the website, direct booking success, summit.com, right away, and have a look.

It's been a busy few months working on the summit and getting everything ready. I do have to say that it was easier than the first time last year, but it still was a lot of work. This. And not just for me, I'd like to shout out to my little team, who has helped so much—Carol, who's been taking care of the speakers and the Facebook group.

You will see her a lot in the summit Facebook group. And Nina is a tech whiz who has been helping out behind the scenes and all the tech needed to run an online summit. And that is a mountain of work. Thank you. Both this summit would not have happened without your help. And you know, I'd like to speak to you today about what's coming up.

This week the presentations, the prizes, and the all-access pass. It is just going to be so exciting. So let's start with the speakers and their presentations. The lineup has changed since I spoke to you last in episode four. So let me tell you about the 12 presentations we’ve lined up for you. Let’s start this week withTuesday; tomorrow morning, we are kicking off with Kelly Odor of bookster. She’ll be sharing simple techniques to attract the people you want. Next up is Sarah Orchard. She will tell you how you can be a super media superstar and less than 15 minutes a day. The next session is something a bit different.

It's a networking session. Live on zoom. We've never had one of these in the summit before, but I'm excited to see how it works out. Everyone will be broken up into small groups so you can get to know each other. We can't compete with the face-to-face aspect of an in-person conference as an online summit.

But I think this just might be a good way for us all to connect. There could be people from all over the world in your small group. Think about the possible connections after that, we are back to the presentations with Kate Stickum Gils, and I hope I've said that, right? I'm not going to attempt it again.

of touch stay. Kate will be explaining what PR is and how to use it to drive direct bookings, then to finish the day, it's Yvonne Helling with how to fill your rooms in the low seasons, which is a perfectly time when so many of us are just coming out of our busy summer months into a slower period, Consortia Cassidy will start us off on a Wednesday morning with how to create vacation rental newsletters that will get your subscribers hooked and booked.

Next up is Si Ranshaw with the behind-the-scenes. Look at his work as a professional photographer and tips for your photos. The next session is another live event, but this time it will be in the summit Facebook group. So you'll be able to watch it back. If you miss it, I'll speak with Hannah from super hog there.

Knowing your guest product is a game changer for this industry. She'll give us a little demo, and there'll be time for her to answer your questions. Then it's back to the presentations with Tyanne Marsinc her presentation is titled true stories. The magic fairy dust of communications on the guest experience.

We'll end our day with Jodi Bourne and her presentation, showing you how to use content and engagement to build a rocking social media presence. Thursday morning will open up with how automation will free up time and help you grow with Di Hammill. And then we'll hear from Bob Garner how sustainability suits your direct booking business.

Next up is another live event. This is a hot-seat session with yours. Indeed all attendees will give the chance to apply for a hot seat place where I will help you live with whatever you are getting stuck on in your marketing for direct bookings, back to the presentations with our first ever tag team due of Louise brace and Damien Sheridan, they'll be showing us how to write inbound content that converts to bookings.

This is a session packed full of information from them, both. The last presentation at the summit will be with me. And it is how you don't have to do it all to still have direct booking success. Intrigued. You'll have to come along to see what that's all about. Now. All these presentations are free, and the free access will be for 24 hours for everyone who has signed up.

And if I've gone through this too quickly, don't worry. Everything is on the website: direct booking success, summit.com. On Friday and another new thing for 2022, there'll be two bonus sessions planned for the V I P all-access pass holders. Only. Now, if you haven't heard of the V I P all-access pass, I'll tell you about that in a moment.

First, let me explain the two bonus sessions. One will be a hospitality-focused panel Q, and the other will be a marketing-focused panel Q. Both will be live on zoom and will have your summit speakers there as long as I. And, of course, there will also be my live summit wraps up call in the summit Facebook group.

This will conclude the summit. Now let me tell you about the prizes. Okay. So we're going to play bingo on each of the three days of the summit. Okay. So again, head over to the website to get your bingo card. And there are some instructions there. If you can't remember how to play bingo if it's been a while, everybody who gets bingo each day will be chosen randomly to be a winner that day.

So we'll have three winners during the summit this year and three wonderful sponsors. They are super hog touch stay and bookster each of them is providing a fabulous prize for the winner on one of those days. Just wait. Do you see what these prizes are? A huge thank you to them. All three are wonderful companies with good products and great people.

I'm honoured to have my name and the direct booking success summit associated with them. So far, everything I have mentioned is free. Except for the bonus sections on Friday, these sessions are only for V I P all-access pass holders. So let me tell you that this year we have an all-access pass.

Well, we don't just have one. We have two. Grabbing in all-access passes, how you can get ongoing access to all the presentations. If you can't make it to some of the presentations, this is what you need this way. You can go back and watch them whenever you want to. And you don't have to try and remember everything in just three days.

We've also put together a cheat sheet with notes from all 12 presentations. This will help you implement the knowledge you’ve gained faster and more efficiently. And then there is the V I P all-access pass. And I'm so excited about this. This also includes ongoing access to all presentations, the cheat sheet of notes, and access to the two live bonus sessions on Friday.

And I'm not done. There are also 15 awesome bonuses from our speakers and sponsors. I'm not going to list them all, but there are course guides, eBooks discounts, and master classes. Many of them have been made exclusively for the direct booking success summit. So look at the website again. to see the complete list of everything included in the V I P all-access pass.

It is just so amazing. I'm so proud of this online summit. I'm proud of the education this summit provides for vacation holidays and short-term rental owners and managers. I'm proud of the direct booking results. It helped attendees achieve last year, which will be even better this year. I hope you will join me at the 2022 direct booking success summit this week.

Head over to the website, direct booking success, summit.com, to see all I've spoken about today and to get your free ticket; there is still time. You can still join in if you're listening to this later this week. If you're listening to this a few weeks later, keep listening to this podcast because I know already that the direct booking success summit will be back in 2023.

And you could be the first to know about it.

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