
Think about a goal you would like to achieve in your business …. but you only had 24hrs to do it. Do you think you could achieve it? Or would you be completely overwhelmed? 

This week, not only do I tell you about the rest of the amazing speakers at this year’s Direct Booking Success Summit but I also give you a few tips on how to get the most out of the summit for you and your business.

Topics discussed


Website: https://directbookingsuccess.com/

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/directbookingsuccess/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennboyles/

Join me at the virtual Direct Booking Success Summit (27-29 September 2022). 

Direct Booking Success Summit Speakers mentioned in this episode:

Elaine Watt – https://stayworcestershire.co.uk

Sarah Orchard – https://get-fully-booked.com

Yvonne Halling – https://www.bedandbreakfastcoach.com

Neely Khan – https://neelythere.co.uk

Bob Gardner – https://www.casaldeifichi.com

Louise Brace  – https://rentaltonic.com

Damian Sheridan – https://bookdirect.show

And me… Jenn Boyles – https://directbookingsuccess.com


Website: https://directbookingsuccess.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/directbookingsuccess

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/directbookingsuccess/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennboyles/

Join me at the virtual Direct Booking Success Summit (27-29 September 2022). 


06 How to get the most out of the Direct Booking Success Summit

Jenn: Hello, and welcome to episode number six of the direct booking success podcast. I'm your host, Jen Boyles. It is so lovely to be back with you. Thank you for continuing to listen to the podcast.

The second direct booking success summit is coming up in September and if you're anything like me.

I know I will love the excitement of the event, but I will also find the sessions and the information overwhelming.

But before we get into that, I want to introduce you to the second half of the speakers. In the last episode, I introduce the first half. So if you've missed that, go back and have a listen after.

So in no particular order, it's really just the order that they're on my spreadsheet, to be honest, let's go

Elaine wat Elaine is the host of the holiday, let success podcast and is regularly seen in Instagram reels. Her presentation will focus on short form video.

Sarah orchard. Sarah has worked in hospitality and travel marketing for many years and has recently launched her own luxury Treehouse, glamping business. She will be speaking on how to be more visible online.

Yvonne Halling. Yvonne was running a successful B and B in France. When she started helping others with their hospitality businesses, she now coaches others and will be sharing how to get more bookings in the low season.

Neely Conn Neely is a fabulous writer who will be speaking with us about using storytelling in your marketing.

Bob Gardner another man that I let into the summit. He is the king of sustainability for our industry. He runs his own eco-friendly holiday apartments complex. I guess, if you will, in Italy, along with, helping others in the industry become more green, his topic is sustainability is good for your direct booking business.

Louise brace and Damien Sheridan, Louise and Damian are teaming up to produce a presentation together. Louise is a content writer and marketer and Damien is the director of the book direct show. Their presentation will incorporate writing for your website and SEO.

Now last, but definitely not least is me. I will be doing a presentation as well this year. My topic is how you don't have to do it all to still drive direct bookings. Putting together your own marketing plan is the basis of my direct booking success program. And it's also what my students come away with once the program is over.

And I am gonna share some of this with you now back to how not to get overwhelmed at the summit with all these amazing presentations, I can't wait to be involved and listen to them and learn myself. It is so great to have these events where we can really deep dive into a topic. And I know all the speakers are going to share some amazing information and advice and tips and tactics.

The quality will feel more like a paid summit, probably. However, all these sessions are free.

And just because it is free, I don't want you to binge and get overwhelmed and then do nothing with all that information and knowledge you've gained. So let me break it down for you. You are the person, the one person who knows your business inside and out. . If you are the person that does the marketing, then look at your life and what you're doing now, what do you want to do next?

And what would work well for your business? Look through the presentations and choose what is most important for you right now. So let me give you an example. Say you enjoy and use social media and you find a lot of guests through there, but you wanna up your game and you're not quite sure how to do that next.

Think about attending, you know, Jody's presentation about strategy or Elaine's presentation about short form videos or Sarah's about how to get visible. Don't try and watch everything, focus on the topics that will help you. Now here's another example. Maybe you're sick of social media and you would rather work on the other ways to get found by your ideal guest then focus on the presentations that aren't about social media. Look for those speakers that aren't speaking about. Social media look at Louise and Damien's presentation. Look to my presentation, look to the others. Do you see what I mean? Look for the presentations you need right now and can put that knowledge you will acquire into action right away.

There's no point learning everything about everything right now. And then feeling like crap because you can't do it all. You are one person. Remember each presentation is free for 24 hours. So you do have time to catch up on anything you miss, or maybe it isn't compatible with your time zone. My next tip is for you to take notes on each presentation you do attend.

And I don't mean notes for the sake of taking notes like we did in school. I mean, notes that are actions for you to do once the summit is over each presentation should leave you with two or three key points that you can take action on. That is what you need to focus on in, in order to keep the overwhelm at bay.

My last tip is to invest in the all access pass. And this year there's going to be two tier to this pass. The first tier will include ongoing access to all the presentations, along with a workbook with notes on every single presentation. This will allow you to get back to the presentations and watch the ones that maybe you weren't ready to, watch then, but now you're ready to watch them or rewatch the ones you did attend to see what other nuggets of information you can gleam from them.

The second tier is the V I P all access pass and along with ongoing access to all the presentations and the workbook, this will include all sorts of speaker and sponsor bonuses, but I'm not here to sell you. This is the only part that is paid. Everything else is free. Either option will help you be able to focus on what you need to when you want to, without having to panic about time running out.

So let me recap a bit about what I've been talking about today. , I don't want you to attend every presentation. I know this may sound counterintuitive because I'm running a summit, but I'd rather, you didn't get completely overwhelmed. If you were overwhelmed, then you won't take action. And I want you to take action from what you do learn at the summit.

The next seven episodes will be with our 2022 speakers. I wasn't able to speak with everyone but for those that I have been able to speak with this will allow you to get to know them a bit better before the summit and wait till you hear what they have to say. So we're gonna go from the states to Canada, , to Spain, France, and Italy, and back here to the UK, come on this voyage with me, as we find out who our speakers are, why they do what they do and what they are bringing with them to the summit.

I will also be asking each of them what direct booking success means to them. So stay tuned for the answers. I'll be back next week with the first interview.

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