
Are you feeling like your short-term rental business has hit a plateau? You’re not alone. Many property managers and hosts reach a point where they’ve exhausted their own knowledge and strategies. But what if the key to breaking through that ceiling isn’t doing more of the same, but learning from those who’ve already conquered the challenges you’re facing?

In this episode, we explore the immense value of tapping into collective wisdom within the short-term rental industry. I share my personal journey of transformation and how seeking insights from others revolutionized my approach to property management.

“The road to success is rarely a solo journey. It’s paved with the lessons we learn from others, the insights we gain from their experiences, and the connections we make along the way.” – Jenn Boyles

Here’s what you’ll discover in this value-packed discussion:

Learn why events like summits and conferences are crucial for your business growth. We’ll discuss:

Introducing the 2024 Direct Booking Success Summit

Get an exclusive preview of this year’s summit, featuring:

Hear inspiring success stories from past attendees and learn how their summit experiences translated into tangible business results.

“I can hardly wait. Last year was so awesome. This year will be even better.”

Don’t miss this chance to invest in your future and accelerate your journey to direct booking success. Register now at dbssummit.com and prepare to transform your short-term rental business!

The key moments on this episode are:

00:00:00 Overcoming Plateaus in Short-Term Rental Business: The Power of Learning from Others

00:00:39 Introduction to the Direct Booking Success Podcast: Navigating the Hospitality Industry

00:01:02 The Importance of Continuous Learning in the Vacation Rental Industry

00:03:30 Harnessing Collective Wisdom: Learning from Industry Experts and Peers

00:05:45 Networking and Collaboration Opportunities at Industry Events

00:07:30 Maximizing ROI: The Long-Term Benefits of Attending Industry Summits

00:09:15 2024 Direct Booking Success Summit: What to Expect and How to Register

00:12:00 Closing Thoughts: Embracing Continuous Learning for Direct Booking Success


Show notes are available at: https://directbookingsuccess.com/podcast/

Direct Booking Success 2024 registration is finally OPEN! 


In this 3-day FREE online summit, you’ll learn how to stop relying on OTAs like Airbnb and make more money with more control. Learn how to increase your direct bookings from industry experts and your fellow property managers from all over the world. 

This summit is completely free and online. Save your spot today: https://DBSsummit.com/

Work with Jenn to maintain consistency in your marketing and boost your direct bookings without spending so much money on it: https://directbookingsuccess.com/apply/

The ULTIMATE all-in-one marketing platform for short term rental is finally here! Sign up now and be the first to try it: https://bookdirectpro.com/

FREE GUIDE: 10 Ways to Drive Guests to your Website instead of Airbnb: https://directbookingsuccess.com/10-ways-to-drive-guests-to-your-website-instead-of-airbnb/

Follow Jenn on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/directbookingsuccess

Join Jenn’s free Facebook group – the Marketing Hub: https://www.facebook.com/groups/strmarketinghub


[00:00:00 - 00:00:30]

Ever find yourself feeling stuck, like you've hit a plateau in your business? Maybe you're thinking, I'm doing everything I know how to do, but it's just not enough. That's a familiar feeling for many of us in the short term rental space. But here's the thing. What if I told you that the key to unlocking the next level of success isn't in doing more of the same, but in learning from others who've been where you are? Right now.

[00:00:39 - 00:01:00]

You are listening to the direct booking success podcast, bringing you all the information you need for your short term rental to stand out from the crowd. I'm your host, Jen Boyles. As an owner and manager myself, I know how hard it can be to navigate the hospitality industry. I'm here to help so you too can have direct booking success.

[00:01:02 - 00:11:59]

Welcome to the direct bookings with us podcast. I'm Jen Boyles, your host. It is so wonderful to be here with you today for this episode. Today we're diving deep into the power of learning from others. We all know that continuous learning is vital in any industry. But when you're running a vacation rental business, the stakes are even higher. You're not just keeping up with trends, you're driving direct bookings, managing guest expectations, and staying ahead of the competition. That's why events like summits and conferences are so crucial. They're not just about absorbing information. They're about transforming your approach to your SDR business. And speaking of transformation, I'll be sharing how you can take that next step with the 2024 Direct Booking Success Summit. This is not just another event. It's a game changer for property managers and owners who want to up their game, cut out the OTAs, and truly thrive in this industry. But more about that later. Let's first talk about why learning from others is such a powerful tool. Let me take you back to when I first started managing my properties. Perhaps, like you, I was learning on the fly, trying to figure out the best ways to attract guests and keep my occupancy rate high. I made plenty of mistakes, mistakes that cost me time, money, and frankly, a lot of stress. But everything changed when I started seeking out others in the industry who were doing things differently, who were seeing the success I wanted for myself. Their insights, their stories, their strategies. They opened my eyes to the possibilities I hadn't even considered. There's a saying that goes, none of us is as smart as all of us. And that's what I mean by collective wisdom. When you surround yourself with a diverse group of professionals, people who bring different experiences, perspectives and expertise. You tap into a wealth of knowledge that you simply can't access on your own. It's not about copying what others do, but about learning from their successes and failures and applying those lessons in a way that makes sense for your own business. Take, for example, a property manager I met at a previous summit. She had been struggling to fill her calendar during the off season, just like I had. But after hearing how others were leveraging unique marketing strategies, she decided to try something new, targeting a niche audience with tailored messaging. The result? Not only did she see an uptick in bookings, but she also created a loyal customer base that now returns year after year. That's the kind of transformation that can happen when you learn from others. Let's talk about the content you get at summits and conferences. These aren't your average blog posts or YouTube videos. The sessions at these events are crafted by industry experts who are in the trenches every day. Just like you. They offer deep dives and specific topics that are incredibly relevant to what we do. Whether it's optimizing your website for more direct bookings or understanding the latest trends and guest experience, you get the kind of in depth, actionable content that you can immediately implement in your own business. But it's not just about the sessions. One of the biggest benefits of attending a summit is the networking. Imagine being in a virtual room with hundreds, maybe thousands of other short term rental professionals. These are people who are just as passionate about the industry as you are, and they're all there to learn, share and grow together. The connections you make at these events can lead to collaborations, partnerships and friendships that last long after the summit is over. And lets not forget the opportunity to learn from the collective experience of everyone in the room. One of the most exciting aspects of the summit is the exposure to new ideas we all have our routines, our go to strategies, but sometimes we need a shake, a fresh perspective to reignite our creativity and drive. At a summit, youll be introduced to cutting edge tools, innovative marketing tactics, and new ways of thinking about the guest experience that can completely change how you approach your business. This is where the magic happens when you step out of your comfort zone and open yourself up to new possibilities. Now let's talk about ROI, the return on investment from attending a summit. We're all business owners here and we know that every decision needs to make sense financially. When you're attending a summit like the direct booking success summit, you're not spending money, you're spending your time and you're investing in your business's future. Think about the tangible benefits you'll walk away with, new strategies to increase your bookings, tools to streamline your operations, and the confidence to take your business to the next level. That kind of ROI is priceless, but the impact doesn't stop when the summit ends. That knowledge and the connections you've gained continue to pay dividends long after. Maybe it's a marketing strategy that boosts your revenue for months to come, or a partnership that leads to new opportunities. The long term impact of what you learn and who you meet can shape the trajectory of your business. For years, I've seen it happen time and time again, not just for myself, but for countless others who've attended these events. Let me share a quick story about a past attendee of the direct booking success summit. It was a property manager who was struggling to differentiate her brand in a saturated market. At the summit, she learned about the importance of branding and how to craft a unique message that resonated with her ideal guests. She took that knowledge, applied it to her business, and within a few months she saw a significant increase in her direct bookings. That's the kind of success that's possible when you invest in learning from others. So what is on the agenda for the 2024 Direct booking Success Summit? I've curated a lineup of top tier speakers, experts from the industry, your fellow property managers, covering everything from blogging to leveraging AI in your marketing. This summit is designed to give you the tools and knowledge you need to take your direct bookings to the next level. Whether you're a seasoned property manager or you're just starting out, there is something here for everyone. And this year I've added even more interactive sessions where you can get real time feedback on your business challenges and networking opportunities that allow you to connect with industry leaders and peers from around the world. So don't just take my word for it. Here is what past attendees have had to say about the summit. Here's the quote I can hardly wait. Last year was so awesome. This year will be even better. Another attendee mentioned how the connections they made at the summit led to a partnership that doubled their bookings in just six months. These are real people seeing real results from attending the event, and that's the kind of impact I'm talking about. So if you are ready to take your business to the next level, now is the time to act. Visit dbs summit.com and register for the 2024 Direct Booking Success Summit dbssummit.com and don't wait this is your chance to learn from the best in the industry, gain the insights you need to grow your business and make connections that can change your career. Remember, tickets are free, but you've got to be registered to take part. And when you do register, look out for a very special offer. The offer is to upgrade to the All Access pass. This is a paid upgrade that will give you lifetime access to all the presentations, including the live ones, and you will get access to over $3,000 worth of bonuses from the speakers and sponsors. You do not have to buy this to attend the summit. The tickets are really free. However, I wanted to tell you about this so you are ready when you are given that offer. Because that offer for the All Access pass is so amazing that you'll only see it when you register. When it's gone, it's gone. So when you are finished listening to this episode, head over to dbssummit.com and register. This is an investment in your future and with the kind of RoI we've talked about today, it's an opportunity you can't afford to miss. I'll leave you with the road to success is rarely a solo journey. It's paved with the lessons we learn from others, the insights we gain from their experiences, and the connections we make along the way. The 2024 Direct Booking Success Summit is your opportunity to accelerate that journey, to grow, learn and achieve more than you ever thought possible. I hope to see you there. Remember, the key to growth is staying curious, open and committed to learning. Whether you're just starting out or you've been in the industry for years, there's always something new to discover, always a way to improve. The best place to do that is like events like the Direct Booking Success Summit. So don't forget register dbssummit.com. i can't wait to share this experience with you and see how it transforms your business. Until next time, go out and take action for your own direct booking success.

[00:12:00 - 00:12:11]

Hey, thanks for listening to the Direct booking success podcast. For more information about this episode and others, head to the website directbookingsuccess.com podcast. See you next time.

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