
Have you been told that consistency is the key to successful marketing? But what if we told you there’s a smarter strategy to drive direct bookings for your vacation rental business?

In this eye-opening episode, we’ll challenge conventional wisdom and reveal why simply being consistent isn’t enough. Discover the untapped potential of strategic consistency – a powerful approach that combines consistency with intentionality and data-driven decision-making.

It’s not just about being consistent, it’s about being strategic and consistent. – Jenn Boyles

Here’s what you can expect from this insightful discussion:

Consistent marketing efforts play a significant role in maintaining brand visibility and attracting potential guests to short-term rental properties. However, it is essential to go beyond mere consistency and focus on strategic marketing activities tailored to the target audience. By harnessing marketing consistency effectively, property managers can build a strong brand presence and drive more direct bookings. Let’s dive in and uncover the smarter way to make your marketing efforts not just consistent, but strategically consistent.

The key moments in this episode are:

00:00:00 – The Importance of Strategic Consistency

00:04:18 – The Pitfalls of Consistency Alone

00:06:00 – The Importance of Data and Metrics

00:10:28 – Practical Tips for Strategic Consistency

Sign up for the FREE Virtual Direct Booking Success Summit: https://directbookingsuccesssummit.com/

Show notes are available at: https://directbookingsuccess.com/podcast/

Follow Jenn on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/directbookingsuccess

Join Jenn’s free Facebook group – the Marketing Hub: https://www.facebook.com/groups/strmarketinghub



You’ve heard it before, consistency is key. But what if I told you that just being consistent isn't enough? What if there's a smarter way to drive direct bookings that you're missing out on? Stick around, because in this episode i'm going to uncover why simply being consistent can actually lead you astray and what you should be doing instead. To see real results.


Untucking practical tips, real life examples, and actionable strategies to make your marketing not just consistent, but strategically consistent. Trust me, you won't want to miss this.


You are listening to the Direct Booking Success Podcast, bringing you all the information you need for your short term rental to stand out from the crowd. I'm your host, Jenn Boyles. As an owner and manager myself, I know how hard it can be to navigate the hospitality industry. I'm here to help so you too can have direct booking success. Hello and welcome to another episode of the direct booking success podcast.


Thank you for having me here as part of your day. Today we're diving into a topic that might shake up some of your beliefs about marketing, specifically the idea that consistency alone is the key to your direct booking success. You've probably heard it a million times. Be consistent and you'll see results.


But what if I told you that consistency isn't the whole picture? What if I told you that it's not just about doing something over and over again, but about doing the right things over and over again? Stick with me because we're about to uncover why simply being consistent isn't enough to drive direct bookings for your short term rental business. We're going to dive in deep today. So grab a cup of coffee or tea or a glass of wine, get comfortable and let's get started.


We've all been there. You decide to take your marketing seriously. So you start posting on social media daily, you send out newsletters every week and you even start a blog. You are consistent and you're doing all the right things. But somehow your bookings aren't increasing the way that you'd hoped.


Frustrating, isn't it? You're putting in the time and effort, but the results just aren't there. The problem with advice to just be consistent is that it can lead you to focus on quantity over quality. It can make you think that as long as you're doing something regularly, it's enough. But here's the hard thing: you can be consistently doing the wrong things and it won't get you anywhere.


Think about it this way. If you're consistently running in the wrong direction, you're just getting further and further from your goal. The same goes for your marketing efforts. Consistency is important, yes, but it's not enough on its own. Let me share a story.


A client of mine, let's call her Sarah, managed a few vacation rentals in a popular tourist destination. Sarah was diligent with her marketing. She posted on Instagram every single day, sent out monthly newsletters, and she even started a blog on her website. But after six months of this rigorous schedule, her bookings hadn't improved. Sarah was confused and frustrated.


She was doing everything the experts said she should do. She was consistent. So why wasn't it working? The answer lies in the nature of her content. Sarah's posts were beautiful, but they were generic.


Her newsletters were informative, but they didn't speak directly to her ideal guests. Her blog posts were well written, but they weren't optimized for search engines or targeted to the right audience. Sarah was consistent, but she wasnt strategic. She was doing the work, but she wasn't doing the right work. So now let's dive deeper.


Imagine this. You've been blogging for six months straight, posting twice a week like clockwork. But your blog posts are generic and don't speak to your ideal guest. Or perhaps your social media posts are frequent but they lack engagement because they're not resonating with your audience. What happens then?


You start to feel burnt out. You question if this whole direct booking thing is even possible. You might even start to lose confidence in your ability to market your properties effectively. And all this time you're missing out on the potential bookings. Not because you're not putting the effort in, but because your efforts aren't targeted and strategic.


You're not alone in this. Many short term rental property managers fall into this trap. They hear that they have to be consistent, so they focus on churning out content without a clear strategy. They miss the mark on what really drives bookings and end up spinning their wheels without making any real progress. Here's another angle to the opportunity cost.


When you're spending time and resources on activities that don't drive results, you're missing out on opportunities to engage in activities that do. Every hour you spend creating a social media post doesn't resonate is an hour you could have spent creating content that does. Every dollar you spend on ads that don't convert is a dollar you could have spent on strategies that do. This is where the real danger lies. It's not about the effort you're putting in, it's about the opportunities you're missing out on.


And in a world of direct bookings missed opportunities can be costly. So let's talk about metrics for a moment. When we focus solely on consistency, we might fall into the trap of measuring success by the wrong metrics. It's easy to count the number of posts, emails or blogs and feel accomplished. But these are vanity metrics.


They make us feel good, but they don't necessarily correlate with actual success. Instead of focusing on how many times we post, you should be focusing on the metrics that matter, engagement rate, conversion rates, website traffic and most importantly, direct bookings. A single post that deeply resonates with your audience and drives bookings is far more valuable than 100 posts that aren't okay, so how do we fix this? How do we make sure that our efforts are not only consistent but effective? It comes down to two things, doing the right activities and doing them for a sustained period.


First, let's talk about doing the right activities. This means understanding your audience deeply and knowing what kind of content will resonate with them. It means identifying the platforms where your ideal guests hang out and focusing your efforts there. It means crafting messages that speak directly to the needs, desires and pain points of your guests. For example, if you manage vacation rentals that cater to multigenerational families, your marketing should reflect that.


Your blog post could offer tips on planning family reunions. Your social media could highlight the amenities that make your properties perfect for all ages. Your emails could share testimonials from happy families who stayed with you. But how do you know what the right activities are? This is where data comes in.


Use tools like Google Analytics, social media insights and feedback from your guests to understand what's working and what's not, and adjust your strategy based on this data to ensure you're focusing on activities that drive results. For instance, if you notice that your posts about family friendly amenities get the most engagement, double down on that content. If your emails about local events lead to more bookings, make those a regular feature. Use the data to guide your effort and be willing to pivot when something isn't working. Next, you need to create a plan that you could sustain over time.


Marketing is not a one and done deal. It's a marathon, not a sprint. You need to build momentum and that takes time. This is where consistency comes into play. But now it's strategic consistency.


Set realistic goals and create a plan that you can stick to. It's better to post high quality content once a week than to churn out mediocre content every day. Quality over quantity. And remember, it's a long term game. Don't expect overnight results.


Data course and over time you'll start to see the impact of your efforts. Another aspect of strategic consistency is leveraging tools and automation to make your life easier. Tools like scheduling out email marketing platforms. Analytic software can help you stay consistent without burning out. They allow you to plan and schedule your content in advance so you're not scrambling to post something every day.


So let's go back to Sarah's story for a moment. After we realized that her efforts weren't aligned with her goals, we took a step back and analyzed her data. We found that her audience responded best to content that was highlighting local experiences and family friendly activities. We shifted her focus to create high quality posts and blogs around these topics, optimized her website for SEO, targeting keywords that her ideal guests were searching for. Within a few months, Sara started to see an increased engagement on her socials, more traffic to her website, and most importantly, an increase in direct bookings.


By focusing on the right activities and staying the course, she transparently spreads her marketing effort around. Here are some practical tips that you can implement in your own marketing strategy. Number one, define your ideal guest. Create a detailed profile of your ideal guest. Understand their needs, preferences and pain points. This will guide your content creation and help you resonate with your audience.


Number two, set clear goals. What do you want to achieve with your marketing efforts? More website traffic, higher engagement, increased bookings? Set clear, measurable goals to track your progress. Number three, focus on quality.


Quality over quantity. It's better to post less frequently with high quality content than to post every day with mediocre content. Number four, use data to guide your efforts regularly reviewing your analytics to see what's working and what's nothing. Be willing to pivot your strategy based on this data. Number five, leverage tools and automation.


Use scheduling tools, email marketing platforms and analytic software to streamline your effort and stay consistent without burning out. Number six, engage with your audience. Don't just post and forget. Engage with your audience by responding to comments, asking questions and creating interactive content. This builds a community around your brand.


Number seven, be patient and persistent marketing takes time. Don't expect overnight success. Stay the course and over time you'll build momentum and see results. Another crucial aspect of strategic consistency is personalization. In today's digital world, generic content just doesn't cut it.


Your audience expects personalized experiences. This means tailoring your content to specific needs and interests of your ideal guest. For example, if you know that a significant portion of your audience consists of pet owners, create content that highlights your pets' friendly amenities. Share tips on traveling with pets and feature testimonials for guests who've enjoyed their stay with their furry friends. Personalization shows your audience that you understand and care about their unique needs, which builds trust and loyalty.


Engagement is another factor. It's not enough to just post content. You need to engage with your audience, respond to comments, ask for feedback, create opportunities for interaction. This not only boosts your visibility, but fosters a sense of community. And finally, let's talk about building a long term strategy.


Marketing is not a set it and forget it task. It requires ongoing effort and adjustment. Your strategy should be flexible enough to adapt to changing trends and market conditions, but focused enough to keep you on track. Start by creating a content calendar that outlines your marketing activities for the next six to twelve months. This should include topic ideas, social media posts, email campaigns, any special promotions or events.


Having a plan in place helps you stay organized, ensures you're consistently putting out high quality content. Future proofing your marketing is about staying ahead of the curve, continuously learning and improving, attending industry conferences whether they're in person or online, participating in masterclasses, webinars, workshops and networking with other professionals in the industry. The more you learn, the better equipped youll be to adapt to changes and keep your marketing effort effective. Alright, let's bring this all together. Consistency is important, but it's not the whole story.


You need to be consistent with the right activities, understand your audience, use data to guide your strategy, and commit to a plan that you can sustain over time. This is how you build momentum and drive more direct bookings for your short term rental business. Thank you for joining me today. I hope this episode has given you a fresh perspective on consistency in your marketing effort. If this episode has inspired you to finally get to grips with your marketing and want to speak to me about the possibility of working together, head to instagram and send me a DM.


I can be found @directbookingsuccess and let's have a chat of what that would look like. And if you found this episode helpful, please leave a review and share it with your fellow property managers. Until next time, keep pushing forward and remember, it's not just about being consistent, it's about being strategic and consistent. So go out and take action for your own direct booking success. Hey, thanks for listening to the Direct Booking Success Podcast.

For more information about this episode and others, head to the website directbookingsuccess.com podcast. See you next time.

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