
Direct Booking Success Podcast

In her podcast, Jenn shares her vacation rental business knowledge and marketing expertise in solo episodes and interviews with leading experts and her fellow owners and managers.

Ever wondered how a laundry facility transformed a vacation rental business into a booming success? Brian Olson, president of Northwest Vacation Rental Professional association, spills the beans on the unexpected strategy that took his business to new heights. And what’s this about a cookie program that led to 30 new homes?  Find out how these...
If you’re feeling the frustration of struggling to find a way to build trust with your vacation rental guests, even after offering a great experience, then you are not alone! Many property owners in the vacation rental industry are finding it challenging to establish that trust with their guests, leading to missed opportunities and potentially...
Are you ready for a surprising twist? Imagine running a multi-million-dollar vacation rental business while homeschooling six kids. Rose Tipka, the CEO of Your Family’s Place, not only achieves this but also shares her secrets in a 52-part Instagram series. But here’s the real surprise – her direct booking success strategy isn’t just about marketing;...
Imagine if you could make your vacation rental not just a place to stay, but a sanctuary of safety and comfort for families with children on the spectrum.  Suzanne Hacker, a vacation rental business coach, shares her journey of creating spectrum-friendly rentals that go beyond the norm. From extra locks on doors to calming colours...
Are you a short-term rental operator in Canada? Have you ever felt like the industry content you come across doesn’t really apply to your Canadian-specific challenges? Maybe you’ve been told to just follow the same strategies as those in the US, but ended up feeling frustrated and stuck? If you’re tired of trying to adapt...
If you’re feeling the frustration of struggling to create a memorable guest experience and falling short on guest loyalty, then you are not alone! Are you tired of the same old methods not bringing in the direct bookings and guest loyalty you desire? It’s time to switch things up and take your hospitality game to...
Are you ready for a game-changing strategy that’s turning the world of luxury vacation rentals upside down? Get ready to uncover the surprising approach that’s redefining the guest experience and skyrocketing direct bookings. It’s a behind-the-scenes look at how this mastermind is rewriting the rules, attracting elite guests, and creating an unforgettable stay. Get ready...
Do you ever feel like you’re putting so much effort into your website, but not seeing the direct booking results you want? You’ve probably been told to work harder and figure it out, but the more you try, the more frustrated and stuck you feel. It’s time to stop the cycle of ineffective actions and...
Does it sound familiar to struggle with standing out and driving direct bookings for your vacation rental properties? You might have been told to simply create a listing and wait for the bookings to pour in, only to find yourself lost in the sea of competition and struggling to attract guests. The frustration of not...
If you’re feeling frustrated because your current marketing efforts are not generating the direct bookings and repeat guests you desire, then you are not alone! You may be spending time and resources on social media and online advertising, only to see minimal results in terms of brand recognition and customer loyalty. Instead of seeing an...
Does it sound familiar to struggle with increasing your direct booking rates? You’ve probably been told to rely solely on online travel agencies (OTAs) for bookings, but this has only resulted in high commission fees and limited control over your property. This can be frustrating and costly, leading to decreased revenue and a lack of...
Can property managers deliver a five-star guest experience and drive direct bookings? Mike Anderson from Oprato Technologies discusses the importance of efficient housekeeping and maintenance operations. But what happens when a major maintenance issue arises during a Christmas booking? Tune in to find out. Delivering five star guest experiences means five star reviews, which means...
Do you want to make informed real estate investments for short-term rentals? Learn from successful women in the industry as they share their strategies for achieving profitable real estate investing in the short-term rental market. Hear from guest Stacey St. John as she provides insights and solutions to help you achieve success in your real...
Are you tired of unpredictable booking levels? In this episode, I reveal my secrets to getting direct bookings every day while diversifying your channels. But what happens when one of your main channels suddenly disappears? Tune in to find out. In this episode, you will be able to: Discover the power of direct bookings and...